
Trust’s contract with Skanska will benefit the environment and save money

Press release 07/04/2015 10:00 CET

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) is working in partnership with Skanska to significantly reduce energy usage and help meet the Trust’s carbon emission targets.

Greg Poole (Commercial Manager), Alice Jennison (Environment Advisor & Community Investment Coordinator) (both Skanska), Liam Corbett (Estates Manager) and Sirina Blankson(Carbon Management Coordinator) (both KMPT), with Jeremy Nicholls (Quantity Surveyor, Skanska)

The energy performance contract (EPC) will support the Trust in its commitment to reducing carbon emissions by 15 per cent by the end of 2015.

The project guarantees at least a 12 per cent reduction in carbon emissions, plus an 11 per cent saving in gas and electricity consumption in the first year.

Skanska’s energy management team has evaluated current energy usage at four of the Trust’s key facilities, which include a range of building styles and uses, and has recommended a number of energy conservation measures, including solar PV panels.

As well as upgrading the energy-efficiency infrastructure Skanska, in conjunction with Global Action Plan (GAP) and KMPT, will deliver a behavioural change programme to enable the Trust’s different stakeholders to improve their energy awareness and management, both within the organisation and beyond. This will complement Skanska's programme of capital works and build on the knowledge and experience of the KMPT Green Champion network. Lasting 12 months, this initiative will form the basis of a further programme of behavioural change in 2015/16 and 2016/17 to improve the community’s understanding of sustainability and help local people experience the benefits from energy efficiency and improving the environment.

John Carey, Director of Estates and Capital Planning for KMPT, said: “The savings gained from the energy-efficiency infrastructure upgrades to our properties will allow the project to remain cost neutral to the Trust until payback is achieved, after which we will benefit from considerable savings on utility costs. By reducing estate costs in this way, we can help to ensure that the Trust maintains front-line service investment, allowing it to concentrate on giving service users the right help, at the right time, in the right setting with the right outcome.”

Richard Byers, Head of Green Business for Skanska, said: “Working with KMPT, we will demonstrate that the healthcare sector can lead on delivering significant energy and carbon savings which, in turn, means the Trust can dedicate more resources towards the services they provide. Taking this approach will help our healthcare partners to focus on what they do best, and deliver leading healthcare in a more efficient and enhanced hospital environment, while we manage the risk posed by increasing energy costs and volatility in large estates which provide critical services to our communities .”

A Carbon Management Plan was put in place in 2009/10 which included a target, set by the Carbon Trust, to reduce carbon emissions by 15 per cent by 2015.

KMPT provides mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services as well as other specialist services to 1.7 million people across Kent and Medway.