Watford’s Race for Life event in Cassiobury Park last Sunday (14 June) saw a team of Skanska ladies put on their pink hard hats and t-shirts to raise over £1,200 for Cancer Research UK.

The eight-strong team from the leading construction and development business, based in Maple Cross, were easy to identify at the event among the thousands of participating women, girls and boys who had come together to fundraise for Cancer Research UK, as they kept their hard hats on for the entire 5-kilometre challenge.
Tracy Burrell, Senior HR Business Partner, organised Skanska’s participation. She said: “We had a great response while wearing our branded hard hats and t-shirts. People wanted to find out more about Skanska and our industry before, during and after the action and we were happy to talk positively about the organisation, construction and development.
“It was a great experience and we would recommend it as a way to get fit and raise money for a very worthwhile cause.”
The team was mentioned many times by local radio station Heart Watford & Hemel and received great support from the enthusiastic crowd as they made their way around the course on what proved to be a damp morning.
To sponsor the team, please visit their online webpage: www.justgiving.com/SkanskaSeniorHRdreamTeam.