
Hampshire framework win solidifies Skanska’s presence in the south and south-west

Press release 03/03/2016 09:00 CET

Skanska has strengthened its foothold in the south and south-west of England by being one of the companies appointed to Hampshire County Council’s highways construction framework.

Hampshire win solidifies regional highways presence

Known as the Generation 3 framework, it is the third new contract in as many weeks for Skanska, following local authority wins in West Sussex and North Somerset. Skanska already manages highways maintenance in the region for Somerset County Council, Bath and North-East Somerset and Highways England.

Skanska Operations Director Gerry Curran said: “Despite an extremely competitive market, we’ve started 2016 with three excellent new contracts, all of which bolster our presence in the south and south west.”

Generation 3 is one of three innovative frameworks planned for the region and will cover major value highways works over the next four years. Contractors appointed to the scheme will bid for projects valued between £8 million and £25 million.

The framework will be available for use by neighbouring authorities in the region, meaning that around 40 public bodies, spanning an area from Devon to Kent, can procure highways work faster and more cost effectively.

Councillor Seán Woodward, Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment at Hampshire County Council, said: “Hampshire is leading the way here in establishing this framework for the whole of the South. Good infrastructure is key to the economic prosperity of any area, and this Generation 3 Framework will benefit not only the local economy but all who live and work in the area by ensuring resources are well used and money is well spent.

“The framework will support our own ambitious capital programme of works, and shows the importance of scale and collaboration, saving us, and all the authorities in the south, time and money by not having to procure separately each time we get the go-ahead for a major project. We’ve assessed these suppliers thoroughly on everything from performance and value for money through to their sustainable policies and commitment to apprenticeships, with an emphasis on public service delivery.”

Gerry Curran added: “This innovative model is an excellent example of how strategic regional planning can ensure local resources are used efficiently. We’re looking forward to helping our colleagues at the council to deliver their infrastructure vision over the coming years.”