
Skanska secures hospital waste contract for another five years

Press release 08/03/2016 09:00 CET

Following the results of a benchmarking exercise, Barts Health NHS Trust has agreed that Skanska’s facilities management team will continue to provide a waste management service until 2021.

Skanska secures hospital waste contract for another five years

The benchmarking exercise is aimed at ensuring the Trust achieved the very best value for money, whilst driving quality and service improvements and continuing to drive innovation.

The £6.5 million contract is centred on an innovative behavioural change programme covering both clinical and domestic waste services. The team works with the hospital staff at The Royal London Hospital and St Bartholomew's Hospital, to provide in-depth auditing of each of the waste streams and regular training on appropriate waste disposal.

Skanska’s waste management service has been recognised for its innovation and success by winning a British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) award. It has saved the NHS more than £1.5 million over the last three-and-a-half years, lead to increased compliance with government waste standards and improved patient care.

Fiona Daly, Associate Director of Sustainability and Patient Transport at Barts Health NHS Trust, said: “We are delighted to announce the continued partnership with Skanska for the management of our hospital waste. Their innovative approaches and drive to improve quality match those of the Trust and ensure we are providing a safe and efficient environment for our patients.”

Skanska Managing Director Katy Dowding said: “We are really pleased to have secured the Barts Health NHS Trust’s waste management contract for another five years. The contract extension gives us a great opportunity to further improve our waste management capability. This is a fantastic achievement for the team.”