
Skanska lends a hand to help homeless charity

Press release 30/09/2019 11:00 CET

Skanska’s building team partnered with Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT) in London, to create a week of volunteering activities during 23-27 September 2019.

Before and after the team tidied the garden at the Move On Centre, Enfield

During the week the team supported the SCT as well as The Lord Mayor’s City Giving Day – which took place during the volunteering activities week on 24 September. Activities during the week included:

  • Painting in the Move On centre, Enfield
  • Cooking breakfasts
  • Tidying the garden at the Move On centre and arranging a BBQ for residents
  • Charity shop challenge – teams work in three shops across London to help to increase the shops daily takings
  • Providing advice on employment skills
  • Supporting the women’s art group

Steve Holbrook, Managing Director, explained: “According to the latest figures, homelessness is now at its highest level for a decade and rough sleeping in London has more than doubled since 2010, with almost a thousand people sleeping rough in the capital on any one night.

“People who are forced to sleep on the City’s streets face incredible dangers, so charities like the SCT are so important, as they give them advice, training and a hot meal. We are delighted to support the work the SCT does and the people that rely on them.”

Gary Davidge, Centre Manager at Spitalfields Crypt Trust, said: “Skanska has been supporting us for over 12 years. They have helped us to cook hundreds of breakfasts for people facing homelessness every Thursday, which has been a huge help to us.

“It was fantastic to see such a great response to this volunteering week; we couldn’t be happier, and it has made such a positive difference to the people we support, thank you.”