
Skanska names new head of Networks company

Press release 19/09/2003 00:00 CET

Skanska has appointed a new managing director to run Skanska Networks, the group’s network infrastructure provider. Mike Jones, 43, who has previously held a number of senior appointments within the electricity and gas supply sectors, takes up his post this week and is based with Skanska Networks’ head office in Leeds.

Welcoming him, Skanska Networks chairman and UK main board director Mike Putnam said: “His broad utilities experience will be a great asset, as we look to broaden our base and plan for growth. Our strategy is to create a market-leading position by moving up the value chain with our clients.”

Speaking of his new appointment, Mike Jones said: “At Networks, my goal is to build profitability by growing the business into new sectors. I hope to use my experience to help us clearly focus on the best prospects out there and establish ourselves as a market leader. I believe there are some major areas of opportunity yet to emerge in sectors like utility services. Using our established core skills, we can bring business customers cost savings and enhanced performance.”