
One in a thousand

Press release 17/03/2014 15:08 CET

Civil engineer Sam Reed beat off competition from more than 1,000 entrants to win the prestigious ICE James Rennie Medal.

Sam Reed

The award is presented each year by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) to the top newly qualified chartered engineer.

Some 1,100 people completed their Chartered Professional Review over the past 12 months, with all eligible for the James Rennie Medal.

Three were shortlisted and invited to make a presentation to industry professionals on the subject of their professional review at ICE headquarters in Westminster.

Sam spoke about his work on the design, installation and monitoring of the temporary propping installed at Crossrail’s Royal Oak Portal. The portal is the western entrance to the central section of the Crossrail running tunnels. It was constructed between May 2010 and September 2011, and was used to launch two of Crossrail’s tunnel boring machines in early 2012.

On being named the James Rennie Medal winner, Sam said:

“I am honoured to receive the 2014 James Rennie Medal, particularly considering the high standard of competition on the night.

“I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, and I hope it will inspire those I work with.

“I could not have achieved this without the support of Skanska, and this is a great example of the quality of the graduate training scheme we have in place.”

Sam will officially pick up his award at a ceremony in October.

Commenting on Sam’s achievement, Sub-Agent Lee Harman said:

“This is an absolutely fantastic achievement for Sam and demonstrates the calibre of people within Skanska.

“This is a hugely respected award by all those involved in the profession. It is a brilliant accomplishment born out of fantastic opportunities, natural talent and a drive to be the best at what you do.

“Having worked with Sam at Crossrail’s Paddington Station, and attended the presentation evening, this accolade is justifiably deserved.”