A hard-hitting radio advertising campaign, by the Highways Agency and Skanska, will take place to encourage safer driving through roadworks. The aim of the campaign is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries to roadworkers.
The Highways Agency is holding a safety week, between 21 and 27 October to promote the message to drivers. It says that nine road workers were killed between 2008 and 2012 on motorways and major ‘A’ roads. 122 road workers were injured in the same period. Workers who are on, or close to, live carriageways are most at risk of being involved in an accident.
The radio adverts will air on Heart in the two regions where Skanska looks after the trunk road network for the Highways Agency. These are Area 2, which covers the trunk roads in the south-west and Area 6, covering East Anglia.
Skanska’s Director of Health and Safety, Dylan Roberts, says the behaviour of some drivers puts roadworkers at risk: “We want to raise drivers’ awareness of the increased safety risks when they travel through roadworks. We are working closely with the Highways Agency to help achieve a reduction in the number of accidents involving roadworkers. We hope this radio campaign helps people to stop and think – and drive more safely.