
RoSPA Awards 2013

Press release 14/05/2013 08:00 CET

Skanska operating units and projects have been recognised for their health and safety performance.

Presented by the Royal Society for the Protection of Accidents (RoSPA), these awards reflect the hard work of all employees in maintaining excellent standards of Occupational Health and Safety Management and Performance over the year.

Those receiving gold awards this year include:

  • Facilities Services
  • Skanska Infrastructure Services 
  • Paddington Station 
  • London Power Tunnels 
  • Cementation Skanska
  • Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil
  • Clark and Fenn Skanska

Special mention this year goes to Cementation Skanska who have been awarded The President's Award for receiving 10 consecutive gold awards.

Dating back to 1956, the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards scheme is the largest and longest-running programme of its kind in the UK. It recognises commitment to accident and ill health prevention and is open to businesses and organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas. The scheme does not just look at accident records, but also entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including important practices such as strong leadership and workforce involvement.

David Rawlins, awards manager at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), said: “The RoSPA Awards programme provides well-deserved recognition for the winners and spurs on other organisations to raise their standards of accident and ill health prevention. We congratulate Skanska on its success and encourage it, and all our other winners, to remain committed to safety and health, an approach that is well recognised to be good for workers and the bottom line.”