Skanska has been awarded a contract worth £28 million by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families, to construct Belfairs High School in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex.
Skanska has drawn upon the in-house skills of its Construction, Mechanical and Electrical installations, Structural Design and Piling expertise to put together a team to deliver the design and construction of the new school, which will cover an area of approximately 11,000 square metres and accommodate around 1300 students from years 7-13 (11-18 year olds). In addition, the new facility will provide specialist Catering and Motor Mechanics facilities as well as provision for Adult Education.
Under the contract, Skanska will also be responsible for external works, drainage, external services, ICT infrastructure and Furniture Fixtures and Equipment, as well as some refurbishment works to retained buildings within the existing school site.
Environmental solutions and sustainability are at the heart of Skanska's approach to this project. Robust site control measures will be applied to mitigate construction impacts on the existing school, which will be fully operational whilst construction of the new school is underway, and the surrounding community.
Other solutions include the installation of biomass boilers to enhance energy efficiency and the reuse of materials from existing buildings on the site.
The award of this project, a pathfinder for Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, under the Building Schools for the Future programme, signifies an important milestone for Skanska and its client who have been working together under an advance works agreement over recent months to develop the scheme and establish temporary accommodation to make way for the new school.
Architects for the scheme are Penoyre & Prasad.
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s Executive Councillor for Children and Learning Councillor Roger Hadley says: “We are very pleased that Skanska has been successful in winning the contract and we look forward to working with the company over this most exciting project. The new school will offer a great many extra opportunities for pupils and for the community for generations to come, as well as featuring adult education facilities too.”
Main construction works will start immediately and are scheduled for completion in Summer 2011 ready for the start of the new school year.