
Skanska to redevelop two UK sites for the MOD

Press release 10/06/2014 13:51 CET

Skanska is to build the new Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration at Worthy Down in Hampshire as part of a Ministry of Defence (MOD) project to upgrade this site and redevelop the Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut in Surrey.

An artist’s impression of the new training college at Worthy Down in Hampshire

The contract, worth circa £250 million, will include the design, construction, mechanical and electrical fit-out of living and other facilities, as well as the supporting infrastructure for the new buildings at Worthy Down. The site will also accommodate Head Quarters the Royal Logistic Corps, Head Quarters the Adjutants Generals Corps along with other logistic and personnel training elements of the armed forces.

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), the MOD’s property and services provider, awarded the contract. It has also appointed Skanska as the development manager for the Deepcut site, which will be redeveloped to provide 1,200 homes, a school and other facilities.

“This is an exciting opportunity to support the MOD in creating new, fit-for-the-future facilities for our armed forces,” said Terry Elphick, managing director at Skanska. “The project will also provide much-needed housing and amenities for the people of Deepcut.

“Both locations will benefit from our understanding and experience of working with the MOD and our strong reputation for sustainable and considerate construction. There will also be lots of employment opportunities for local people.”

Martin Troke, DIO Assistant Head of Commercial Projects, added: “DIO’s priority is supporting our Armed Forces by providing what they need to live, work train and deploy on operations. We look forward to working with Skanska to maximise the benefits to Defence personnel from this project.”

Arup is the structural and services engineer; the architect is HLM.

Work is due to start in June 2014 and set to conclude at Worthy Down in the summer of 2018, with development at Deepcut ongoing until the community there is fully established.