
Skanska tops out first major phase at Derby

Press release 15/03/2005 00:00 CET

Skanska has successfully topped out the first major phase of the £333 million redevelopment of Derby City General Hospital. This first phase comprises the 23,500sq.m King’s Treatment Centre and approximately one half of the 95,000sq.m main acute hospital building.

The topping out represents two important milestones within this major project, procured under the Government’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI), for Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

In addition to redeveloping Derby City General Hospital, the development is also making provision for the transfer of services, including Accident and Emergency, from the Derby Royal Infirmary in Derby city centre. This will allow all services to be consolidated on to a single site.

Pictured are guests of honour the Rt. Hon. Margaret Beckett MP (Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and MP for Derby South), Bob Laxton MP (MP for Derby North) and Julie Acred (Chief Executive, Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) with members of the project teams, placing a commemorative plaque marking the first major milestone of the five-year construction phase.

“This new hospital will make an enormous difference to the people of Derby,” says Margaret Beckett MP, whose constituency encompasses the hospital. “The old facilities were becoming run down, so this well thought through deal will really enhance healthcare provision for the city.”

Brian Ibell, Deputy Chief Executive of the NHS Trust and the Trust’s Project Director added: “This marks a major achievement in what will be a wonderful inheritance for the community. This first phase physically shows our staff and patients the size and scale of the development and the goal that is shared by both the Trust and the project team.”

Bob Laxton MP, local MP for Derby North, echoed the sentiment: “This will make a mega-difference for the people of southern Derbyshire. It will provide some of the best healthcare facilities in the UK, perhaps even in Europe.”

Nicholas Pollard, Executive Vice President for Skanska, part of the consortium funding, designing, constructing and maintaining the new facility, said: “The programme so far represents a tremendous achievement. When complete, the facilities will transform the health care facilities serving the communities in and around Derby, and dramatically improve the work environment of the nurses, doctors and staff.”

This topping out follows the recent handover of the 1,100sq.m Main Pharmacy building, which was extended and renovated. Skanska Innisfree worked in close cooperation with the NHS Trust to ensure that the Pharmacy remained in full operation throughout the redevelopment phase, ensuring uninterrupted service for the hospital’s patients and visitors.

Construction now continues on finalising the King’s Treatment Centre and first phase of the acute hospital building, both programmed for handover in Spring 2006.