
Cementation Skanska to present at industry event

Press release 18/09/2013 07:27 CET

This evening, Jamie Dunbar, Director for Cementation Skanska, will present on the innovations that have occurred in the UK’s deep foundations industry over the last 25 years at the Institution of Civil Engineers in London.

Clever use of technology on site

The event, held by the British Geotechnical Association, is themed around the recent innovations in piling as well as the research and practice involved.

Jamie will give a general view on the ‘rise and fall’ of process, the current capabilities of plant and equipment in the market place and the latest technology being used on site to aid safe and efficient design and performance through monitoring and experimentation.

“This is a great opportunity to show the rest of the piling and foundations industry that through our design solutions, equipment and use of technology we believe we are market leaders in what we do,” explained Jamie