
Chesterfield complex opens doors to shoppers

Press release 28/04/2000 00:00 CET

A brand new shopping centre that is set to transform Chesterfield has been handed over ahead of schedule by Kvaerner Construction.

Thousands of shoppers flocked to the town’s new 207,000 square feet retail complex when it was opened to the public last week - just 70 weeks after Kvaerner Construction started work.

The brick-built Vicar Lane complex, which is overlooked by the famous twisted steeple of the town’s church, has been constructed to compliment Chesterfield’s existing shopping areas.

The £15 million contract included constructing four main shop units each approximately 1,500 square feet in size. These were let months in advance of the opening to Bhs, Woolworths, Argos and Peacocks. A further 27 smaller shop units and six small kiosks were also constructed, as were roads and a car park for 460 vehicles.

Working for developer Centros Miller and Chesterfield Borough Council, Kvaerner Construction built the new complex around an arena where public events, including the official opening of the shops in May, will be held.


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