
Skanska is a good neighbour

Press release 20/03/2013 08:05 CET

Business owners, office workers and residents working and living in close proximity to St Bartholomew’s (Barts) Hospital, a major healthcare construction project in central-London, were asked by Skanska for their feedback on how the project affects their everyday lives.

The responses were overwhelmingly positive with over three quarters of respondents stating that the overall external appearance of the site presents a positive image of the construction industry. 

As part of the Considerate Constructors scheme, the team working on the 10 year project, due for completion in 2016, is constantly looking for ways to improve their image and the reduce the disruption a large project like Barts can cause to the local community. 

As a result of direct feedback from the survey, Skanska has made changes like asking lorries drivers who are making early deliveries, particularly in the residential area, to turn off the engines when they are waiting for long periods. This has helped to reduce noise levels and disruption to the community. 

The feedback is invaluable to help the project team identify areas where they can enhance the performance and improve the community:

  • 100% said they were informed or very well informed about the work Skanska was carrying out and how this could affect them.
  • 84% have positive or very positive perceptions of the site’s health and safety practices.
  • 84% said that reasonable or considerable measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the neighbours and people passing the site.
  • 84% thought the site appears very well organised, clean and tidy.
  • 84% of respondents said that they have a positive or very positive perception of the standards of welfare that the site provides for its workforce.
  • 84% of respondents said that our workforce demonstrates respectful and courteous behaviour most or all of the time.
  • 84% believed reasonable effort is made by Skanska to minimise the impact of work being carried out around them. 16% thought considerable effort is made.
  • 67% said reasonable or considerable effort is made to minimise the impact of vibration, air, light and noise pollution in the surrounding area.

One respondent commented: “Barts is a very well organised site which works to very high standards. 

“The team demonstrates an awareness of the impact the works has on neighbouring buildings and always seeks to minimise disruption. We have a good relationship and great ongoing communication with the management team.” 

Copies of the project’s monthly newsletter is available to the public in three locations site entrance, the bus stop outside the site office and Barts Square. This contains updates which cover the environmental impact and credentials of the project, relevant facts and figures that may be of interest to the community and a health and safety update.