
Costain­-Skanska Joint Venture awarded Crossrail contract

Press release 05/03/2010 09:00 CET

The Costain-Skanska Joint Venture today announce that they have been formally awarded a contract by Crossrail as part of its enabling works framework for the construction of Royal Oak Portal.

Royal Oak Portal, which is adjacent to Paddington main line station, will act as the transition ramp for Crossrail trains when entering and exiting the central London tunnels. Under the contract, the team will undertake the construction of a reinforced concrete structure that will include a diaphragm wall and major temporary works to construct reinforced concrete embedded retaining walls to form the tunnel portal.

To undertake this project, which is the first and a critical element of the forthcoming main Crossrail tunnelling works, Costain-Skanska will draw upon in-house skills available to the joint venture including Piling & Foundations and utility service diversions and protection.

Work will begin immediately and is scheduled for completion in March 2011.

For further information, please contact: For Skanska - Tanya Barnes - telephone 01923 423 905 email: Contact For Costain - Graham Reed - telephone 01628 842 585 email: Contact