
Thames Water AMP 6 alliance – eight2o

  • Thames Water AMP 6 alliance – eight2o
  • Thames Water AMP 6 alliance – eight2o

Skanska joined MWH and Balfour Beatty (SMB) in a joint venture as design and build partner for Thames Water AMP6 alliance.

The joint venture delivered design-and-build solutions for Thames Water’s £2billion AMP6 programme within the eight2o alliance.

The SMB joint venture brought together extensive experience and skills, including design services and construction expertise. The joint venture’s combined track record of assured delivery across multiple sectors and world class alliance experience includes complex projects in London and the unique challenges of working in the capital.

SMB’s capability to work on both infrastructure and non-infrastructure water assets, across clean and waste water networks was vital to the alliance.

Using its industry experience, SMB worked to develop an injury-free environment, drive out waste and promote a sustainable procurement strategy, focusing on whole-life costing.

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