

The built environment accounts for 40 per cent of all energy consumption. This represents a huge cost to the economy. It’s also one of the UK’s main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Construction is energy-intensive, through the construction process, and through the production, transportation and final use of materials.

Energy consumption

Decisions made during the construction process can lock-in energy consumption far into the future. The industry has a major role to play in helping the UK achieve energy and climate change targets.

Environmental management

Increasing focus from our customers and tightening legislation is driving a much greater awareness of energy efficiency in the construction industry. We have invested in specialist knowledge and expertise to provide advice around energy efficiency strategies, energy modelling, investment and post-occupancy optimisation.

Existing buildings

The retrofit of existing buildings is a significant challenge. We offer a range of flexible energy efficiency related services, including building health check reviews and detailed pay-as-you-save investment models. Over the last five years, we have reduced energy consumption across our own offices by 30 per cent through a range of energy efficiency interventions – demonstrating potential technologies, performance and pay-back mechanisms.

We share our knowledge and expertise through a specialist energy network. We look at new and evolving technologies, case studies and performance reviews to ensure we remain at the forefront of the market. This way we can help our customers meet and exceed their expectations.

Last updated: 23/01/2017